Sports at PPS
Pāpāmoa Primary School provides various sporting opportunities for students, including a 25m heated pool, sports fields, multipurpose sports turf, and proximity to reserves and the beach.
The school encourages students to try different sports without limiting them to one. They aim to equip students with the necessary skills, attitudes, and motivation for personal well-being, community involvement, and individual sporting and cultural pathways.
The school also welcomes parent involvement in coaching or managing teams.
Contact the Sports Coordinator at for inquiries.
Extra Curricular Sport
Extra Curricular Sports are offered during term time, in after-school or weekend competitions.
There is usually an additional cost to participate in these sports. Costs depend on the sport's local governing body and are often associated with the cost of venues.
- Summer Sports are Terms 1 & 2
- Winter Sports are Terms 3 & 4
Full details of the extracurricular sports that we offer are listed below.
Should you have any sports-related questions, please contact our Sports Coodinator
Sports Registrations and Information
Term 1
Friday afternoons
Gordon Spratt
Papamoa Primary School Pool
Monday afternoons
Hockey Turf, Blake Park
Friday early evening
Mercury Arena
Monday afternoons
Mercury Arena
Terms 2 & 3
Tuesday afternoons
Mercury arena
Friday afternoons
Mercury arena
Monday afternoons
Mercury Arena
Saturday mornings & afternoons
Tauranga Netball Centre (cnr Maunganui & Hull Rds)
Thursday afternoons
Papamoa Primary School
Saturday mornings
Tauranga Hockey Centre (THC) Blake Park
Saturday mornings
Tauranga Hockey Centre (THC) Blake Park
Term 4
Thursday afternoons
Gordon Spratt
Papamoa Primary School Pool
Tuesday afternoons
Mercury arena
Friday afternoons
Mercury arena
Monday afternoons
Mercury Arena
Hockey Turf, Blake Park
The Arts
At Pāpāmoa School we promote the Arts and Te Āo Māori - Visual & Performing Arts, Music, Dance & Drama, Māori Language, Kapa Haka & Tikanga.
We provide wonderful opportunities for our children culturally, these include but are not limited to:
- a whole school production
- dance festival
- arts festival
- marae visits
- choir with involvement in the Tauranga Schools Music Festival
- Kapahaka including being involved in the Nga Whakangahau
- after-school guitar lessons
- visiting cultural groups and schools
We strongly promote Te Āo and Tikanga Maori with strong leadership within our school.
Kapa Haka
We are very proud to have Kapa Haka as a vehicle to support all tauira (students) connect to Te Ao Māori me ōna Tikanga. It enhances kōtahitanga (unity), manaakitanga (nurturing and care for each other), whanaungatanga (connection) and tuakiritanga (identity).
Every Friday, our kapa (groups) hold practice sessions for both Juniors and Seniors starting at 11am. Additionally, Te Manawanui Reorua (bilingual) classes also engage in Kapa Haka as part of their daily whanaungatanga time.
Students will also showcase their talents at various events such as Pōwhiri, Matariki, Rā Whakangahau or other local celebrations. These opportunities allow our tamariki to demonstrate their skills and contribute to the spirit of these occasions.
Jump Jam
Jump Jam is a fun way for students to keep fit through dance and aerobics-based movement. Each year we select leaders from our Year 5 and 6 students, who learn and practice routines and then run lunchtime sessions for the rest of the school to join in. There will also be the opportunity some years for a competition team to be selected to prepare for and perform in Jump Jam Challenge, a national competition with live performances.
Showquest is a celebration of Arts and Culture. Students will have the opportunity to audition to be a dancer, actor, be involved in making props and costumes, even to be lighting designers. Students help to flesh out our concept, choreograph the dances, and design the costumes, props and lighting. After a full term of practice, preparation and hard work, the performers and lighting designers head to a theatre to perform to a live audience and compete against other schools in the Bay of Plenty.